

A brand case study


Protect your camera on the go with an integrated case and mount, to create better memories on your adventures.


A gift for my mother

A vase is typically smooth, elegant and feminine. But as an industrial designer, to me, that sometimes makes them feel unapproachable – pretty to look at but please beware of breaking them. – a gift for mother’s day. 


A redesign for intuitive chair controls

The master’s thesis centers creating a more ergonomic and intuitive experience of office chairs, when adjusting their settings, creating design guidelines and applying and testing them in a redesign of the Swedish office chair Ullmanstolen.


A Novel Infusion Bottle-cap

Design of a new opening mechanism for the ultimate drinking experience on the go. Developed for a startup.


Pregnancy and Postpartum Care in Sweden

During a two-day hackathon adressing the Health Gender Gap, this prototype was developed to improve support and information access during pregnancy and beyong in the Swedish healthcare system.


A Toy Subscription promoting Gender Equality

In this research project, a non-gendered toy subscription service and a guide system for toy stores were developed. Both are based on an alternative toy classification system to target bias and raising children in a less gendered manner.


A wifi-router should fit into user’s daily life as seamlessly as the technology it provides by being able to adapt to the their preferences and living space.


Bachelor Thesis

My bachelor project on improving sustainability and reducing littering at campus events through a motion tracker with a reward system.


A selection of past graphic design work, both for university, volunteering and contract work.


Hi! I’m a passionate industrial designer and product developer currently completing my master’s degree in Industrial Design Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. I love to work with a mix of physical and digital user experience and product design. That journey has taken me from Austria to the Netherlands and Sweden and I’m excited to see where design takes me next. Feel free to reach out!